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activeWrapper - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
The previously instantiated wrapper, to prevent reinstatiation without quit.
additionalArgsDescription - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Additional command line arguments for custom test.
addLog(String) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Add entry to test log.
addState(Returns, String) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Adds a state and updates the test log with why the state was added.
addState(Returns) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Adds a result enumeration tag.
AUTOMATE_KEY_LABEL - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Automate key label for credential on disk.
AUTOMATE_KEY_PROMPT - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Automate key prompt.
AUTOMATE_KEY_REGEX - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Java regular expression to validate automate key.
automateKey - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Automate key for automated login to Browserstack.


BASE_COMMAND_LINE_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Base command line parameters.
Browser(String) - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper.Browser
BROWSER_CAPABILITY_KEY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack capability key.
BROWSER_DEBUG_FLAG_DESIRED_CAPABILITY_KEY_VALUE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium 'Desired Capabilities' debug flag capaibilty key.
BROWSER_SELECTION - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium browser 'Desired Capabilities' capability key.
BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME_CAPABILITY_KEY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium build name capability.
BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME_DESIRED_CAPABILITY_KEY_VALUE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium 'Desired Capabilities' build name capability key.
BROWSERSTACK_DEBUG_CAPABILITY_KEY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium debug flag capability.
BrowserstackAutomateKeyException - Exception in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
At some point the Browserstack Automate key will be entered incorrectly or refused by the host.
BrowserstackAutomateKeyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Instantiates new exception.
BrowserstackCredential - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Retrieves, validates, supplies Browserstack Credential.
BrowserstackCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Private constructor called by factory method newBrowserstackCredential.
browserstackCredential - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Singleton holder.
BrowserstackCredential.Mode - Enum in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Enumeration enumerates supported ways to retrieve credential.
BrowserstackCredential.UsingRecycledCredentialInstance - Exception in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Problem of using a recycled credential.
BrowserstackCredentialSecrets - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
If you must use inline credentials, put them in this file and ensure it does not get into source control.
BrowserstackCredentialSecrets() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
Private constructor to prevent utility class construction.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Size of console output buffer.
build() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Executes build command.
BUILD_COMMAND - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Maven command predicate to create a jar file.
Builder() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Private constructor prevents extension.
buildName - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Name of build for use with Selenium Browserstack.
buildName - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Build name for Browserstack UI organization.


CLASS - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Name of this class.
closeLog() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Close the log.
code - Variable in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Numeric code depicting http status, e.g.
CONFIG_ENTRY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Formatter string for building configuration entry for log.
CONSTANT_AUTOMATE_KEY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
Default automate key secret for automated login to Browserstack.
CONSTANT_USER_NAME - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
User name secret for automated login to Browserstack.
containsSecret() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
Checks if secret credential is in this source.
controller - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Controller instance for composition base.
Controller - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Provides core functionality for performing site test via Selenium/Browserstack.
Controller(UrlWrapper, WebDriverWrapper) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Private constructor for factory usage.
controller - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Controller for test.
controller - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Controller instance for composition base.
controller - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Controller instance for composition base.
Controller.Builder - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Enables construction of a Controller instance via a multi-step process.
CRED_PATH - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Specifies location of file for LOCAL_FILE retreival mode.
CredentialGetter - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Utility class to retrieve credential from disk.
CredentialGetter() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialGetter
Unreachable constructor for static utility class.
credentialPath - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
path from which to retrieve credential file on disk.
CredentialRetrievalException - Exception in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Gathers data related to a problem retrieving credential information from local filesystem.
CredentialRetrievalException() - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialRetrievalException
Creates a new instance of CredentialRetrievalException without detail message.
CredentialRetrievalException(String) - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialRetrievalException
Constructs an instance of CredentialRetrievalException with the specified detail message.


DasLogger - Class in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Provides logging.
DasLogger() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Private constructor to prevent instantiation of public utility class.
DEFAULT_RETRIEVAL_MODE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Sets default retrieval mode.
delete(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Deletes specified file.
DUMMY_AUTOMATE_KEY - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Default automate key test for automated login to Browserstack, used for testing only if CONSTANT_USER_NAME is null.
DUMMY_USER_NAME - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Default User name test for automated login to Browserstack, used for testing only if CONSTANT_AUTOMATE_KEY is null.


echo(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Echos prints array of strings to console, one per line.
elementTimeout - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Element timeout in seconds.
executeRuntime(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Executes command in the shell.
Executor - Class in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Wraps access to local runtime environment.
Executor() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Private constructor -- to be inaccessible.
Executor.Verbs - Enum in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Command line directives.
Exist - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common
Checks for Internet site existence via Internet/browserstack.
Exist(Controller) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
existTests - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Exist test.
expectedVersionId - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Version slug to check for.


failedKey - Variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Key that failed to pass validation.
FILE_NAME - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Log file name das.log.
findElement(By) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns an instance of a Selenium html elmement.
findElements(By) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns list of web page elements, using Selenium.
flush() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Flushes any pending log writes.


get(String) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Sends remote browser to specified URL.
GET_INFORMATION_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Test information (a la toString) template for test default.
getAutomateKey() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Returns automate key for use with BrowserStack.
getAutomateKeyConstant() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Automate key prompt accessor.
getAutomateKeyFileKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Retrieves automate key label for credential in local disk file.
getAutomateKeyPrompt() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Automate key prompt accessor.
getAutomateKeyRegex() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Returns regular expression used to evalute automate key.
getBaseCommandLineParameters() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns base command line parameters.
getBodyText() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Retrieve body element from target.
getBrowserCapabilityKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack capability key.
getBrowserDebugFlagDesiredCapabilityKeyValue() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium 'Desired Capabilities' debug flag capaibilty key.
getBrowserSelection() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium browser 'Desired Capabilities' capability key.
getBrowserstackAutomateUrl() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Accesses test infrastructure info - URL of testing system.
getBrowserstackBuildNameCapabilityKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium build name capability.
getBrowserstackBuildNameDesiredCapabilityKeyValue() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium 'Desired Capabilities' build name capability key.
getBrowserstackCredential() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Returns credential.
getBrowserstackDebugCapabilityKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Browserstack/Selenium debug flag capability.
getBuildName() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Provides build name.
getBuildName() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns buildname.
getCode() - Method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Numeric code depicting http status, e.g.
getConstantAutomateKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
Default automate key secret for automated login to Browserstack.
getConstantUserName() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredentialSecrets
User name secret for automated login to Browserstack.
getContent(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Returns content of specified file on disk.
getContentArray(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Returns file lines as strings in an array.
getCredentialFilePath() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Retrieves location of credential file on local disk.
getDesiredCapabilities(String, String, String, WebDriverWrapper.Browser, String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Creates webDriver DesiredCapabilities object.
getDnsResponse() - Method in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.SiteException
Returns interpreted response from DNS server.
getFailedKey() - Method in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Returns key that failed to validate.
getFileName() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns log file name.
getFileReader(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Returns file as file input stream.
getFormatterName() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Return class name of formatter in use.
getHandlerCount() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns count of log handlers.
getHttpsResponse() - Method in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.SiteException
Returns response string from http server.
getInformation() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns information about logger class-level configuration.
getIsMutable() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Is credential empty? Once setImmutable is run, then it is no longer possible to make changes to the credential.
getKey() - Method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper.Browser
Accesses key value.
getLog() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Flushes cached data to disk and returns entire log.
getLogFilename() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns name of log file.
getLogger() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns internal logger.
getMatchPattern() - Method in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Returns pattern used to validate key.
getMessage() - Method in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Returns message describing error.
getPageSource() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Retrieve page source from target.
getPlatformMvnCommand(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Composes maven command appropriate for Windows or non-Windows.
getPreviousWrapper() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Retrieves previously instantiated wrapper that is still active.
getReason() - Method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Text 'reason' explanation for http status.
getResponse() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Returns http status response.
getRetrievalMode() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Retrieves current retrieval mode.
getReturned() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
getSecretValue(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialGetter
Extracts automate key from credential file.
getString() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns list of pages being checked.
getTargetUrl() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Provides the URL that the test is to target.
getTargetUrlString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Provides URL in string form.
getTestResult() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Returns result of test.
getTestResultBuilder() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns ResultBuilder.
getThirdParamDescription() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Returns third command line parameter description.
getUrl() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Returns pre-validated URL.
getUrlParamErrorString() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns missing URL parameter error string.
getUserName() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Returns user name for use with Browserstack.
getUserName(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialGetter
Extracts user name from credential file.
getUsernameConstant() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Username default accessor.
getUsernameKeyFileKey() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Retrieves username label for credential on disk.
getUsernamePrompt() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Username prompt accessor.
getValue(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialGetter
Extracts value from credential file based on key provided.
getWebDriver() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Provides direct access to web driver.
getWebDriverToString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Provides access to active WebDriver toString() method.
getWebDriverWrapper() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns Selenium WebDriver.
getWrapper() - Method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns URL wrapper for this member.
getWrappers() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns target urls in array of wrappers.


handler - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logging handler.


INDEX_FOR_FORMATTER_HANDLER - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Array index (0) of log handler to check formatter.
initializeLogging() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Initializes logging.
INSTANCE_INITIALIZED_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.UsingRecycledCredentialInstance
Already initialized exception message.
IS_APPEND - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Directive to append to end of file.
isAppend() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns append setting on log.
isBuildName(String) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns true if buildname matches.
isConfigurationLogged - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Has configuration been logged?
isInactive() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Checks if *this* wrapper is not active due to quit().
isInitialized - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Has a credential ever been initialized?
isInitialized() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Returns whether a credential has ever been initialized?
isInitialized() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Is wrapper initialized?
isInitialized() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns whether logging is intialized.
isLoggingInitialized - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Is logging initialized?
isMutable - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Tracks whether credential contains information.
isSuccessful - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Tracks if testThatsRunning was successful.
isSuccessful() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Returns true if testThatsRunning is successful.
isSuccessful - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Is the test successful?
isValidUrl(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Checks String if it is a valid URL.
isWindows() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Checks if environment is Microsoft Windows.


key - Variable in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper.Browser
Contains capability key value passed to WebDriver initialization.
killInstance() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Kills singleton for JUNIT testing purposes.


LocalFile - Class in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Provides basic file handling functions.
LocalFile() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Private constructor to prevent instantiation of public utility class.
log - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
This test's log.
log(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Logs wrapper activity.
LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logger directive Level.ALL to put everything to log.
logConfig(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs configuration data that can be used for testing private constants etc.
logEntrance(String, String, Object[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs method kick-off, depicting an array of pararmeters.
logEntrance(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs method kick-off sans parameters.
logException(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs exception.
logExit(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs method exit.
logExit(String, String, Object) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs method exit, depicting a return value.
logFine(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Logs fine level entry.
logger - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger


main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Entry method for command line access - runs one controller.
main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Entry method for command line access - runs one test.
main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Entry method for command line access - runs all tests.
main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Entry method for command line access - runs one test.
main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Performs Executor function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.RegexTester
Accepts string and pattern arguments; prints true if match; if no match prints false.
matchPattern - Variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Regex validation pattern.
Mode() - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.Mode
model - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Controller model builder to compose model of test data.
model - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Model -- result builder to compose result of test.
model - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Controller result builder to compose result of test.


newBrowserstackCredential(String, String, BrowserstackCredential.Mode) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Private factory handles everyting using flags.
newBrowserstackCredential(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Factory creates credential instance, using parameters.
newBrowserstackCredential() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Instantiates credential based on current mode.
newTest() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Constructs test.
newTestBuilder() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns test builder with no data.
newTestBuilder(String[]) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Processeses command line arguments to create test builder.
newTestBuilder(String[], String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Processeses command line arguments to create test builder, with option of specifying additional controller arguments.
newTestBuilder(UrlWrapper, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns a test builder instance based on all parameters.
newTestBuilder(UrlWrapper, WebDriverWrapper, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns a test builder instance based on driver wrapper.
newTestResult(Controller, String, Boolean) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Factory instance creator.
newTestResultBuilder(Controller) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Factory creates new ResultBuilder model.
newUrlWrapper(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Returns UrlWrapper instance.
newWebDriver(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Initializes webdriver.
newWebDriverWrapper(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Recycles previous wrapper if possible; if it matches existing build name.
newWebDriverWrapper(String, WebDriver) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Uses previous wrapper if possible; matches build name.
newWebDriverWrapper() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns previous wrapper unless previous has been de-initialized.
nuevo(Controller.Builder) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Returns a new Exist controller instance based on builder.
nuevo(Controller.Builder) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Returns a new ScriptLink test instance based on target URL.
nuevo(WebDriverWrapper, String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Returns a new Controller List instance based on build name.
nuevo(Controller.Builder, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Creates a new VersionSlug test instance based on a test builder and the expected version ID.


OS - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Operating system name for runtime environment.


Pages(String) - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
The enumeration's constructor!
PARAM_COUNT_ERROR - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Error to show if no parameters passed on command line.
printCommandLineParameters(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Prints appropriate command line parameters to the the console, including any parameters specific to the test controller.
promptCredential() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Uses console to prompt for credential; populates credential with data.
putText(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.LocalFile
Writes text string to new file.


quit() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Quits webdriver and designates this wrapper as inactive.


reason - Variable in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Text 'reason' explanation for http status.
recentLogActivity(int) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.DasLogger
Returns log activity that occured after a point in time.
RegexTester - Class in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Java's regex matcher seems to use different syntax from vim or awk.
RegexTester() - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.utilities.RegexTester
Utility classes should not have a default constructor.
REINSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException
Message thrown if driver is run .
REINSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION_CODE - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Message if wrapper is re-instantiated with out quitting previous.
Result - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Tracks one specific test of one component on one system.
Result(Controller, String, ArrayList<Returns>, boolean) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Private constructor for factory usage.
resultBuilder - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Accumulates all information relevant to test.
ResultBuilder - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Builds a record of information returned by the test.
ResultBuilder(Controller) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Constructs builder.
retrievalMode - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Defines from where credential is to be retrieved, from disk, console prompt, etc.
returnedResults - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Structured list of results.
returnedStatusList - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
List of statuses.
Returns - Enum in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Test statuses.
Returns() - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Returns
run() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Checks if the URL is reachable.
run() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Runs the site exist test; failure info in SiteException.
run() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Runs the site exist test; failure info in SiteException.
run() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Runs the version check.
run() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor


ScriptLink - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user
Checks script link integrity and that the links are not to a filesystem.
ScriptLink(Controller.Builder) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
scriptLinkTests - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
ScriptLink test.
SELENIUM_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Waits this many seconds before timing out Selenium findElement call.
seleniumElementTimeout - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Waits this many seconds before timing out Selenium findElement call.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.SiteException
Required declaration.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackAutomateKeyException
Compiler-suggested declaration.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.UsingRecycledCredentialInstance
Compiler-suggested declaration.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.CredentialRetrievalException
Required declaration.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException
Required declaration.
setActiveWrapper(WebDriverWrapper) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Stores latest instantiated wrapper.
setCredentialFilePath(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Sets location of credential file on local disk.
setElementWait(long) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Waits this many seconds before timing out Selenium findElement calls.
setFail(String) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Provide reason for failure.
setImmutable() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Makes instance immutable.
setIsSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Sets success flag.
setRetrievalMode(BrowserstackCredential.Mode) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Sets default retrieval mode.
setTargetUrl(UrlWrapper) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Sets URL to be tested.
setWebDriverWrapper(WebDriverWrapper) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Sets webdriver wrapper for the test to use to access the Selenium server.
SiteException - Exception in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Details a problem accessing a site.
SiteException() - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.SiteException
Status(int) - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
systemUnderTestWebDriverWrapper - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Selenium WebDriver wrapper.
systemUrl - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
System URL.


TargetList - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user
Runs through a list of sites and runs tests against them.
TargetList(WebDriverWrapper, String, String) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
TargetList.Pages - Enum in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user
List of URL/pages to test.
targetUrl - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Variable to hold target URL.
testIntegration() - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Executes integration test.
TESTINTEGRATION_COMMAND - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Maven command predicate to run an integration test.
testLog - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Log for test.
testRegex(String, String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
(Reserved.) To execute regex test.
testResult - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.ResultBuilder
Tracks result of test, including whether result has been reported.
testSite(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Executes site test production test.
TESTSITE_COMMAND - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Command line command to run TargetList full test from command line.
testThatsRunning - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Controller performed.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common.Exist
Returns state information.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Provides data contained in Builder so far.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller
Returns information about the test.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Result
Returns information from the test.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Returns object state without any secrets.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.ScriptLink
Returns state information.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Returns state information.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Returns state information.
toString() - Method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Provides cleartext value.
toValidatedUrl(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Converts String into URL.


UNX_MAVEN_PATH - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Command line command prefix to run maven on non-windows (Linux or OS X) platform.
url - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Holds URL persistently.
URL_PARAM_ERROR_STRING - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Returns message for when first parameter is not URL, or if URL fails validation.
urlWrapper - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Contains validated URL.
UrlWrapper - Class in us.johnmeyer.utilities
Immutable URL wrapper.
UrlWrapper(URL) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper
Private constructor requires factory construction.
UrlWrapper.Status - Enum in us.johnmeyer.utilities
List of HTTP reponse status codes.
us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common - package us.johnmeyer.sitetest.common
Contains tests common for all sites.
us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core - package us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core
Qualifies websites, web applications, etc.
us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials - package us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Facilities for managing credentials.
us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user - package us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user
User-defined tests for project.
us.johnmeyer.utilities - package us.johnmeyer.utilities
Utility classes.
USER_NAME_LABEL - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Username label for credential on disk.
userName - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
User name for automated login to Browserstack.
USERNAME_PROMPT - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
User name prompt.
UsingRecycledCredentialInstance(String) - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.UsingRecycledCredentialInstance
Returns message to communicate credential is reused.


validateAutomateKey(String) - Static method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Ensures automate key is correct length and contains correct characters.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Returns
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper.Browser
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor.Verbs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Returns
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper.Browser
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor.Verbs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.UrlWrapper.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verbs() - Constructor for enum us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor.Verbs
VersionSlug - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user
Check the version of the target site to ensure the correct version is loaded.
VersionSlug(Controller, String) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
VERSIONSLUG_ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Additional (third plus) command line argument syntax.
VERSIONSLUG_PARAMETER_COUNT - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.VersionSlug
Count of parameters.
versionSlugTests - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
VersionSlug test.


waitSeconds(long) - Method in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Waits so webdriver can load all elements.
webDriver - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.BrowserstackCredential
Selenium web driver; direct interface to system under test.
webDriver - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Selenium Webdriver.
webDriverWrapper - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.core.Controller.Builder
Provides access to Selenium web driver.
WebDriverWrapper - Class in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Provides Selenium WebDriver.
WebDriverWrapper(WebDriver, String) - Constructor for class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapper
Constructs wrapper, stores webDriver reference.
webDriverWrapper - Variable in class us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList
Selenium WebDriver.
WebDriverWrapper.Browser - Enum in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Enumerates browser options for Browserstack.
WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException - Exception in us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials
Thrown if wrapper is re-instantiated with out quitting previous.
WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException() - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException
Creates a new instance of WebDriverWrapperException without detail message.
WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception us.johnmeyer.sitetest.credentials.WebDriverWrapperReinstantiationException
Constructs an instance of WebDriverWrapperException with the specified detail message.
WIN_MAVEN_PATH - Static variable in class us.johnmeyer.utilities.Executor
Command line command prefix to run maven on windows in shell.
wrapper - Variable in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
URL to wrap.
wrapper() - Method in enum us.johnmeyer.sitetest.user.TargetList.Pages
Returns URL wrapper for target site.
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